Confession. In my early twenties, in an effort to really hunker down on my fitness plans, I would “motivate” myself to get up and workout early in the mornings by setting my alarm, WRAPPING IT IN A BIKINI, and putting it another room. That way, when I stumbled over to the alarm, half-asleep, to turn it off, I had to physically hold a tiny little bikini in my hand and feel the crushing, insurmountable weight of our fat-phobic culture. I had to assess my body as it was on that morning. Picture it in a two-piece. Picture everything I wanted to cardio-away. And nine times out of 10 that was just enough to get out the door and slog through an hour of boredom on the stair stepper.
In terms of hacks to get an early workout in, I still think that putting an alarm in another room is a great idea. (Sometimes you need to exit that comfy bed to discover that a workout actually sounds awesome!). But that whole bikini bit is UTTER FUCKING BULLSHIT and it actually makes me really sad that I used to do that to the bright, sparkly, twenty-something- me.
Guilt is not motivating. Guilt is not encouraging. Guilt is not love. And when I started approaching my thirties, I just started calmly and confidently stepping away from the things that make me feel like shit. So, later “bikini-body” shame spiral, this beach is gonna get whatever beautiful vessel I give it.
Flash forward to now, when the chaos of Covid is slowly starting to lift and I’m locking my eyes on marathon training. I’ve given myself ample softness and patience and grace as I slowwwwwly transitioned back into movement these last few months and now I feel ready to really get into my groove. But, my goodness, getting up early to workout is still hard and I’ve found myself needing extra encouragement and extra love. And this is how my Love Notes began.
Each night before an early weekday run, I started laying out my clothes ahead of time and I added the extra little bonus of a love note, plunked down right on the top of my workout gear. I jot down whatever little words of encouragement that come to mind the night before to help try and get me out the door. So, when I wake up, I see my clothes folded neatly, welcoming me to put them on, and I see a little white notecard peeking out at me. I’ve yet to not get up and read the message.
A funny thing happens when I do this. I smirk a little (like, am I crazy for writing to myself!?) and I think it’s pretty sweet, but what really, truly shifts things for me, is thinking of the person who wrote that message out.
That person is last night’s me, who even after a long, stressful day is still worried about tomorrow’s me. (Is that the definition of love? It must be). She knows an early morning run to the river or some good shakeout miles with friends will set the day up for success, and joy, and accomplishment. She knows she will let more things roll off her shoulders. She will take things in stride. She will sleep much better. And she will be able to check off another workout that is the stepping stone to some big hopes and dreams. So, more so than anything, I think of last night’s Jen, standing barefoot in the kitchen with a blank notecard, tired, but earnestly finding some kind, loving, motivating thing to say to tomorrow’s 5:00am Jen so she can find the spark to do what is best for her. And when I see that cute little Love Note resting on my dresser, I really, really, really want to hold up my end of the bargain.
This is such a small, manageable, inexpensive act of love, but it’s really made these morning runs happen, so I really encourage you to give it a whirl, especially if you are needing a little extra nudge to get back out there. You just need something to write with, a sticky note/notecard/piece of paper or even a whiteboard and 30 seconds of time.
If you don’t know where to start, start with a greeting. How would you greet a dear friend early in the morning?
If you’re up for it, throw in an “I love you”. Even if it feels weird. Sometimes we gotta fake it ’til we make it, ya?
Then, finish your Love Note with an encouraging sentence. It could be about your strength for getting up this early. It could be a nod to your determination. Or, you could find a way to thank that body for working hard to get this workout in.
It might feel awkward at first. But, the more this becomes part of your routine, the more the loving words start to flow easily.
Give it a try a couple of times and see how you feel. You are worthy of this. Today, tomorrow morning, and always.